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Life sucks

Non, ce n’est pas un post de blog déprimé et déprimant. C’est quelques expérimentations avec le jeu real lives. Voici quelques extraits éprouvants de mes vies virtuelles en étant né à:

Port-au-Prince, Haiti
44 years old: A major tropical storm has hit Haiti. 68 people have died and 750,000 others have been affected. My family and I were not directly affected. My father has had malaria. My father has trichuriasis (whip worm). My brother Jacques has become an alcoholic.
46 years old: My son Bernard has died at age 5 in a road traffic accident.
48 years old: My son Serge has cutaneous leishmaniasis.

Osaka, Japon
6 years old: Began school. My mother has died at age 41 from kidney disease.
9 years old: My father has died at age 45 from suicide. My brother Kingo has moved out on his own.
14 years old: Receiving public assistance. Decided to steal. Stole goods worth 2,078,431 yen. Took up smoking.
15 years old: Decided not to give money to charity. Decided to steal. Stole goods worth 1,788,744 yen. Met a new girl I like very much, named Kiyoko Fujita. Rejected by Kiyoko Fujita.
17 years old: Began work as a beggar. Receiving public assistance. Borrowed 100000 yen in a one-year loan.
18 years old: Decided to steal. Stole goods worth 1,409,624 yen. Decided to commit a burglary. Caught attempting a burglary. Sentenced to 2 years in prison.
29 years old: I am suffering from clinical depression.

Montreal, Québec
17 years old: Decided not to smoke cigarettes. Avoided using drugs. Met a new girl I like very much, named Yvonne Vidal. We’ve begun seeing each other.
18 years old: Yvonne and I are now engaged. Yvonne Vidal and I got married this year. My wife Yvonne has graduated from secondary school. My wife Yvonne began college.
34 years old: My wife Yvonne has become an alcoholic.
39 years old: I’ve become an alcoholic.
71 years old: My sister Giselle’s girlfriend Pauline has diabetes. My wife Yvonne has died at age 71 from an accident caused by senile dementia.
73 years old: Died at age 73 from a heart attack.

Dire-Dawa, Éthiopie
3 years old: Sister Seble born. My sister Seble has had malaria.
4 years old: My sister Seble has had measles.
5 years old: I’ve developed goiter.
18 years old: Hurt in an accident.
19 years old: I’ve developed goiter. Dropped out of school. Need to look for a job.
21 years old: I have schistosomiasis.
22 years old: I’ve developed goiter. I have hookworm.
24 years old: A famine or food shortage has hit Ethiopia. 8,639 people have died and 6,100,000 others have been affected. Arrested by security forces for anti-government activities. Executed by government security police.

Grozny, Russie (en tant que femme)
5 years old: A major fire has hit Russia. 15 people have died and 72,000 others have been affected. My father has died at age 45 from suicide.
50 years old: My boyfriend Jamil and I are now engaged.
51 years old: Jamil Javed Akhtar and I got married this year.

52 years old: I’ve contracted tuberculosis. I was raped.Life.jpg

4 réflexions sur “Life sucks

  1. 0 years old
    I was born a boy in the city of N’Giva in Angola’s Cunene Province.
    2 years old
    I’ve had measles.
    3 years old
    I have had malaria
    4 years old
    I have had another malaria flare-up.
    8 years old
    I’ve developed goiter. A famine or food shortage has hit Angola. 21,938 people have died and 1,100,000 others have been affected. Died of starvation during a famine.

    L’Angola, c’est rushant

  2. L’Iraq astheure:

    0 years old
    I was born a boy in the city of Karbala in Iraq.
    13 years old
    I’ve had measles. I was robbed.
    17 years old
    Widespread fighting in al-Anbar governorate.
    22 years old
    Met a new woman I like very much, named Noor Al Azmi. We’ve begun seeing each other.
    23 years old
    Widespread fighting in Karbala governorate. Died at age 23, a victim of the war in Karbala governorate.

  3. 27 years old
    Met a new man I like very much, named Felix Moncey. We’ve begun seeing each other.

    29 years old
    You have pelvic inflammatory disease due to a chlamydia infection.


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